Initial Orthrotics Fitting Instructions

1. Remove the Original Liner
   - Take out the existing liner from your shoe

2. Position the Orthotic
   - Align it at the very back of the shoe
   - Center it carefully (avoid sliding to either side)
   - Maintain equal space on both sides

3. Trace and Cut
   - Trace around the outside edge of the original liner
   - Cut along the traced line
   - Tip: Cut slightly long initially - you can always trim more if needed

4. Test the Fit
   - Insert the trimmed orthotic
   - It should touch the end without bunching
   - If it bunches, trim gradually until it fits properly

Breaking In Your Orthotics

Gradual Transition Schedule
- Day 1: Wear for about 1 hour
- Day 2-3: Wear for 2-3 hours
- Continue increasing gradually
- Full-day wear typically achieved after 2 weeks

What to Expect

Normal initial sensations include:
- Arch feeling too high
- Pressure points in new areas
- Alignment feeling different
- These sensations are normal and temporary

Adjustment Period
- First 2 weeks are an adjustment period
- Full adaptation typically occurs within 2-4 weeks
- Most initial sensations resolve completely

Important Tips

- You can always trim more, but you can't add material back
- Make gradual adjustments
- Be patient during the break-in period
- Contact us if you have persistent concerns

Within a few weeks, your orthotics should feel natural and comfortable, providing the support your feet need throughout the day.

Joel Foster, DPM
Board certified podiatrist helping patients throughout the Kansas City area treat all foot & ankle conditions.