

Front Desk Receptionist / Therapy Room Technician
  • Joel D Foster DPM PC
  • 6 NW Sycamore Street Suite A Lee's Summit, MO 64086
  • 816-246-4222

Position: Front Desk/Therapy Room Technician

Resides: Independence

Describe your role: Answering phone calls, scheduling, checking patients in and out. I am also trained in therapeutic modalities and love to help patients achieve their goals!

What do you like most about your job? Getting to know the patients and watch them get their lives back as they heal!

What is your proudest accomplishment? My son. 

Hobbies: Painting, crocheting, spending time with my dog and cat.

Favorite movie: Where the Red Fern Grows

What is your go-to order at your favorite restaurant? Chicken ceasar salad from 54th Street. 


Offices You Can Find Me At

Joel D Foster DPM PC 6 NW Sycamore Street Suite A Lee's Summit, MO 64086 Phone: 816-246-4222 Fax: 816-246-4223 Get Directions + Office Hours: