Still Having Foot Pain After Your Store-Bought Arch Supports?

What if we told you that right here in Lee's Summit that Dr. Joel Foster, DPM will give you a certified professional diagnosis AND create custom orthotics that are manufactured from the ground up made from a biofoam mold of your feet just for you, all while saving you thousands of dollars? We are here to tell you exactly that. 

Why spend thousands with non-medical professionals when you can get a board-certified podiatrist for much less? Many online vendors offer custom shoe inserts promisingDr. Joel Foster diagnosing patient for Better Feet Package custom orthotics in Lee's Summit to relieve pain and make walking more comfortable. However, store-bought inserts can range from $15.00 to $4,000, each offering mixed results. It takes someone who knows feet inside and out to create the best custom orthotics for your condition. Fortunately, our board-certified podiatrist has prepared an all-in-one solution to give you long-lasting results.

The Better Feet Package

The feet are a complex system of muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments, and they spend two-thirds of your life carrying your entire body weight. When a problem arises, it will take careful consideration to stop the pain and find permanent relief. That’s why Joel Foster, DPM, has created the Better Feet Package. 

The Better Feet package includes an initial comprehensive office visit with onsite X-rays of both feet, an ultrasound of both feet to visualize the plantar fascial band, a pair of heat molded orthotics, and a pair of custom calibrated orthotics—all for only $825.

Our Better Feet package is ideal for patients who are experiencing the following: 

  • Arch and forefoot pain. Patients may notice soreness on the soles or balls of their feet or experience sharp pains in their arches from uneven pressure across the foot.
  • Heel pain. Orthotics can relieve plantar fasciitis symptoms, helping ease pressure on tight tendons and reduce heel pain.
  • Ankle pain. Well-made orthotics provide stability and balance to the foot across every axis, reducing pain from rolling ankles and preventing joint injuries.
  • Hip and knee pain. Compensating for pain in your feet can cause misalignment throughout the body, changing the way you walk and causing pain to travel up your leg and into the hip joint.
  • Back pain. Improper weight distribution in the feet places added strain on the back, further impairing mobility.

Could our Better Feet program be right for you? Fill out our contact form below to request a callback.

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