"I'm Katherine, and I come from Raymore, Missouri. I have had a foot problem for a long time from when I had developed a bunion, and it was rubbing against my other toes and causing them to develop sores I had sores on both of my feet. I loved to walk, and of course, the sores just grew bigger when I walked so when I went to my family physician I asked what can I do about these sores on my feet and she said let's try the orthopedic man to see if he can help.
The general practitioner took a 3-month appointment, the orthopedic person took a 3-month appointment, the dermatologist took another 3 months to get in, and then it was time to go back to my PCP. I called the office [of Dr. Joel Foster, DPM}, and they were friendly and got me right in. They took x-rays of my feet and said it looks like you need some help, so they straightened the toes on my feet. I had MIS on them, took about 6 weeks for recovery, and now I can go on my walks. This week I've walked seven and eight miles without any problem and have enjoyed my walks again. I'm very grateful for all of the staff, as they are friendly and welcoming and took care of me."